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Agassiz Lawn Care

Agassiz Lawn Care

Starting a New Lawn

The best seasons for starting a lawn are early fall or as early in the spring as possible. Annual weeds are much less aggressive in the early fall. The following are tips to start a new lawn.

1. Work and Level Soil

Prepare a seedbed of approximately six inches of topsoil and slope it away from the buildings to allow for drainage.

2.Allow Soil to Settle

Periodic soaking and drying will naturally settle the soil and provide a good firm seedbed.

3.Prepare Soil Surface for Seeding

Loosen the top half to one inch of the soil to a course texture. (Soil particle from pea to golf ball size.)


To ensure the soil contains all the nutrients the lawn will need, fertilize with a quality lawn fertilizer.

5.Apply Seed at Recommended Rate

Fertilizer spreaders work well to apply lawn seed. Distribute evenly, applying half the seed in one direction and the other half in a perpendicular direction. To check the application rate, seed a small area and measure the amount of seed applied.

6.Work Seed into Top 1/4inch of Soil

This may be accomplished by dragging the back of a leaf rake, old carpet remnant or piece of chain link fence. Do not cover seed too deeply. Some seed should stay on the surface. Roll or pack soil to conserve moisture.

7.Water Lightly and Frequently

After seeding, thoroughly water the area. Keep the surface damp by sprinkling the surface three to four times daily. A very light covering of weed-free clippings will help keep the soil surface moist. 

8.Mow at 2 to 3 inches

Set the mower height at about two inches. Mowing often will reduce weed competition. 


Renovating Your Lawn

A tired lawn can be restored to its original health and vigor. Healthy grass plants have the ability to increase the density of your lawn and produce a high-quality turf condition. The following are some tips for renovating your lawn.

1.Mow Lawn Short

Mow the lawn as short as possible and remove clippings

2.Remove Dead Thatch

Use a mechanical or hand rake to remove the dead thatch allowing seed to contact the soil.

3.Loosen Soil Surface

Use a mechanical or hand rake to loosen the soil surface to a depth of one-fourth inch.

4.Apply Seed at Recommended Rate

From this point, care for the seeding the same as you would a new lawn.


Maintaining Your Lawn

1.Remove debris early

Mow at one to one-and-a-half inches as soon as the lawn begins to green up.

2.Mow Frequently

Mow in different directions.

3.Water as needed

Water as weather conditions dictate, allowing for approximately one inch per ten days. Do not over water.

4.Fertilize 2 to 3 times per year

This is based on lawn grass needing half to one pound of actual nitrogen per 1,000 sq.ft. per month of growing season.

5.Mow to 1 1/2 to 2 inches in late fall

Tall dormant grass will harm lawn if left over winter months


A core aerator should be used on your lawn when the ground becomes compacted. Aeration will allow water and nutrients to reach the grass roots and should be done at lease every other year.

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