Sugar Momma - 3lb.
Finally, a food plot mix that does it all. Sugar Momma provides a premier cold season food plot with varieties of Turnip, Rape and Kale for extreme fall and winter attraction and two varieties of clover and chicory to add year-round forage and protein. With one planting Sugar Momma is designed to provide food on a year-round basis with brassicas intended for fast growth and cold season forage and perennials designed for year-round high protein forage...No matter the season, Sugar Momma provides the goods!
29% - Trophy Winter Rape
14% - Ladino White Clover (VNS)
12% - Dwarf Siberian Improved Kale
10% - Chicory (VNS)
9% - Purple Top Turnip
9% - Viper White Balansa Clover